
Why You Should Switch from Coffee and Tea to Yerba Mate

Yerba mate contains less caffeine than coffee but more than tea. A 5-ounce cup has about 78 mg of caffeine, compared to coffee’s 85 mg. The caffeine in yerba mate is absorbed slowly, giving you steady energy without the jitters or crashes that coffee can cause. Read more about does yerba mate increase testosterone

Yerba Mate Helps Athletes Perform Better

Athletes like the steady energy boost from yerba mate. Many football players drink it before games. One study found that taking a 1-gram capsule of yerba mate before exercise helped burn 24% more fat during workouts. This means more efficient energy use and better performance.

Yerba Mate is Full of Antioxidants

Known as “the drink of the gods,” yerba mate contains more antioxidants than green tea. It contains 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, and 196 other compounds. This makes it a nutrient-rich choice that can support your health.

Yerba Mate Encourages Social Interaction

Drinking yerba mate is often a social activity. People gather to share mates with friends or family, enjoying time together without screens. In parks and on sidewalks, you’ll see people sipping mates and chatting. It’s an excellent way to connect with others.

Yerba Mate Can Help with Weight Loss

Yerba mate is known for fighting infections thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It can keep you healthy during cold and flu season. These benefits, combined with its nutrients, make yerba mate a better choice than green tea for boosting your immune system.

Yerba Mate Supports Digestive Health

Unlike coffee, which can be hard on your digestive system, yerba mate is gentle. It can help fight parasites and clean your digestive tract. Some studies suggest yerba mate can deactivate E. coli bacteria and may even help prevent colon cancer. It’s also used to avoid urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Coffee, on the other hand, can cause ulcers, IBS, gastritis, acid reflux, and Crohn’s disease.

Yerba Mate Boosts Bone Density

Yerba Mate TEA

Yerba mate can increase bone density, unlike coffee and tea. One study found that women at risk for osteoporosis who drank yerba mate regularly increased their bone density by 10%. This is significant, as caffeine is usually linked to bone density loss.

Yerba Mate is Good for Your Heart

Yerba mate can lower high blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, and keep arteries clear. Its antioxidants help protect against heart disease. This heart-healthy benefit is unique to yerba mate, as coffee is often linked to heart problems.

Debunking Yerba Mate Myths

Myth 1: Yerba mate causes cancer 

Some studies suggest hot drinks, including yerba mate, might be linked to throat cancer, but this applies to any hot drink. Yerba mate, when consumed at a safe temperature, doesn’t pose this risk.

Myth 2: Yerba mate contains harmful carcinogens 

Yerba mate, like coffee, contains small amounts of PAHs due to the drying process. However, many brands now use air-drying methods, and regulations ensure PAH levels are safe. Organic options also minimize PAHs.