
3 Fun Tips To Perk You Up on Dreary or Stressful Mornings

Mornings when your schedule is already overbooked, you’re feeling particularly stressed or the weather isn’t cooperating can feel hectic and dreary at the same time. If this sounds like your typical morning routine, you might be in need of a renewed regimen to set your day on a more positive course.

  1. Set Your Coffee To Auto-Brew at Wake-Up Time

Every coffee drinker knows that even the smell of coffee can wake you up – so why not take advantage of that fact and use coffee to perk you up first thing? It’s a little-known secret that many modern coffee makers allow you to pre-set brewing start times, meaning you could potentially set your coffee to brew at the same time your alarm goes off! Image waking up to the pleasant scent of fresh ground coffee Holualoa HI every morning.

  1. Switch Your Alarm to Your Favorite Song

Tired of hearing that loud buzzing noise come on every morning at 7:00 am sharp? You can try switching to a more musical morning instead! Today, several types of alarm clocks are available that allow you to customize your ringtone. You don’t even have to limit yourself to music – you may be able to wake up to the relaxing sound of crashing waves or birds chirping.

  1. Prep a Fun Breakfast the Night Before To Start Your Day Off Deliciously

It’s often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure you get something delicious to eat before heading out of the house. If your mornings usually entail constant chaos, though, you probably won’t have much time for cooking in the morning, which is why it’s a great idea to meal-prep the night before. Pick out a favorite standby like overnight oats, set it up and you can enjoy a yummy breakfast with no early-morning effort required!

Starting your morning off right is crucial to having a great day. With these fun ideas, you can feel perked up and fresh every morning with little effort!